What have you done lately?

This posting is just updated in 2011. It is a quick statement about my professional journey in the past 20 years.

I've been been a professional editor since 1995. My official title varied from place to place where I worked (offline editor, online editor, finishing editor, Producer/Editor) but I pretty much did the same thing; I strung the beads. I cooked the dish.

I had first graduated with a B.A. in Psychology in 1990 (in Egypt). Only then it dawned on me that I'll be sitting in a chair listening to other people's problems for the rest of my life.. Not good.. So I went to school all over again, this time in the good old USA.. It was a film & video program that had an art twist to it.. I spent long weeks and months and years in dark rooms working on my own personal projects -stuff that wasn't worth a dime to anyone but me. But I learned a great deal about life and about myself in trying to put these little gigs together. Back then, I did the writing, producing, 16mm shooting, directing, narrating and editing. And even though I still enjoy all of those roles, I settled into editing because I'm a cook by nature.

Back in school, I edited on a flatbed with a guillotine splicer (I still think that was the best!) Then I went hi tech to digital non-linear editing with my first job in the industry. The first editing box I got married to was in my boss's basement; an ole AVID MC on a MAC; version what? 0.01? I later moved up the ranks to XL then Adrenaline DNA & DNx; All very buggy toys with cool gadgets. Bottom line: They're all just toys. A good editor is a lot more than the sum of her toys.

Over the years, I won awards for my corporate work, but my real best work has been seen by few. Most of it resides in the inky shadows in my basement haha, but now that I am happily semi-retired from corporate life in my early forties (eat your hearts out;-) I shall make it my pet project to convert and upload some of these old works to the worldwide web and share them with you. For now- I have removed the corporate clips from this website here because quite frankly I no longer care to receive offers for corporate or cable broadcast... This blog will now be reserved for fun (raises virtual glass) So here's to 20 years of late nights and laughter and tears but most of all, pleasure.